LCBI Launched the First Pan-European Methodology to Measure Building Carbon Footprint

The Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) has launched the first pan-European methodology for whole life-cycle carbon measurement of buildings, with set limit values, aiming to cut the buildings’ carbon footprint by half.
The real estate sector, responsible for nearly 39% of global CO2 emissions1, is crucial in the battle against global warming. To meet the 2050 carbon neutrality goal, European countries must reduce the carbon footprint of all buildings—new, retrofitted, and in-use.

To date, a unified European method to understand and compare building carbon footprints has been lacking. Addressing this, the LCBI has developed a unique methodology to measure building carbon footprints across their entire lifecycle, with limit values, basis of a certification scheme for low-carbon buildings. This method aligns with major European standards and tools (Taxonomy, Level(s), CRREM, RICS).

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