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Summary: The LCBI and the BBCA are both taking part to the building and climate Global forum co-organized by the United Nation Environment program and the French Government. The LCBI President speech will be pronounced on March 7 morning on Harmonizing Policies to Achieve Whole Life Carbon and Resilient Building Goal.

Moving toward the low carbon emission in Building Sector: LCBI participation to the building and climate Global Forum

With the same objective to lower the  CO2 emissions in the field of Building, the Association for the Development of Low-Carbon Buildings (BBCA) and the Low Carbon Building Initiative (LCBI) will participate to the World Forum on Buildings and Climate from 7 to 8 March in Paris at Palais des Congrès. The event’s co-organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and France.


For more information about the event, please Follow the forum link here

During this Forum, Stanislas Pottier, president of BBCA, will participate on March 7th (from 10:30 am to 11:45 am) in the conference entitled “Transparency Framework for Building Standards and Certifications” (“Harmonizing Policies to Achieve Whole Life Carbon and Resilient Building Goal”), which aims to underline the importance of consistent measurement and labeling systems at the international level to send a signal to the market and thus promote private sector investment in low-carbon buildings, a necessary step in the short term to comply with the Paris Agreement.

LCBI responds to this urgency with public works and methodologies, the basis for an audit label by Bureau Veritas in eight European countries. Stanislas Pottier will speak alongside Cristina Gamboa, CEO of the World Green Building Council, Tina Paillet, President of RICS, and Lars Riemann, Executive Director of Buildings at Ramboll, as well as other stakeholders committed to transforming the real estate sector. For more information about LCB Initiative, click here.

A pioneer in low-carbon real estate development since 2015, BBCA is the originator of the world’s first building carbon footprint calculation label, a reference for new construction and renovation. More than 4 million square meters of real estate projects throughout France have already received this BBCA label, including residential buildings built for the 2024 Olympic Games. To know more about BBCA, please follow the link.

  1. Practical information

Date : 7-8th March 2024

Location : Palais des Congrès, 2 Place de la Porte Maillot, 75017 Paris

Format: only in-person

Access to the Forum: accredited persons only. No on-site registration.

Language: English only for all the sessions on 7th March. English and French translation is available for the Ministerial sessions on 8th March.

Organizer’s: Government of France and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), with the support of the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC)

Contacts for the event:

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